Belle Harmeson of Dulaney High School and the decoration committee with their work for the upcoming Roman festival "Dulanium": November 2016's Photo of the Month!
Penelope Owens of Linganore high school with her prop for a version of The Oddysey:October 2016's Photo of the Month!
MDJCL met at the National Geographic Museum in DC. 10/8/2016
NJCL - all in our togas with our E-I-E-I-U props
NJCL - Purple and Gold Day. We embody JCL! Everyone but Michael made it into the picture
NJCL - All dressed up for Ceres-a-Bloomington with the piano statue which we kindly decorated.
NJCL - We stopped in Pittsburgh on the way home for pretty views and foods.
The entries for 2015's Costume Contest at ERHS's Certamen.
After our visit to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, we had to go see Rocky.